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- From: webster@rock107.microserve.com (John Webster)
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars -- ancient astroNUTS
- Date: 8 Jul 1996 05:22:13 GMT
- Organization: Rock107
- Lines: 83
- Message-ID: <4rq5u5$dc6@crash.microserve.net>
- References: <maury-2506961042500001@> <31D032B3.6A59@cydonia.org> <maury-2606961134420001@> <31D230FE.2245@ouray.cudenver.edu> <31D2CD6C.7800@cydonia.org> <4r3tif$bec@nuntius.u-net.net> <31D883E2.2008@orphan.cudenver.edu> <4rbspm$2cn@tuegate.tue.nl> <31DA338B.56A3@evans.cudenver.edu> <4rgm8s$rld@crash.microserve.net> <4rgpt5$7pn@sol.sun.csd.unb.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: rock107.microserve.com
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:126339 alt.alien.research:27967 alt.paranet.ufo:56089 sci.skeptic:77889 alt.alien.visitors:92402 alt.conspiracy.area51:12338
- In article <4rgpt5$7pn@sol.sun.csd.unb.ca>,
- mleese@hudson.CS.unb.ca (Martin Leese - OMG) wrote:
- >On 4 Jul 1996 14:59:40 GMT John Webster (webster@rock107.microserve.com)
- wrote:
- >>> That said, could you explain why you are "let down" whenever humanity
- pictures
- >>> aliens as bipeds? If there are beings elsewhere, why wouldn't they follow
- >>> some general rule of nature and evolve similarly to human beings...that
- is,
- >>> roughly speaking, in terms of locomotion, sensory perception,
- communication,
- >>> etc.?
- >Why would they? The original point was that with only a single
- >example (ourselves) we cannot make statements about what is or is not
- >likely.
- But if we cannot make statements about what is or is not likely, then what
- justification can one have regarding the depiction of aliens as "similar" to
- us?
- >>> Why do you think that it is unacceptable to imagine an alien to be
- >>> somewhat human-like?
- >Please imagine anything you like. Just don't think that it is likely.
- >Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. We just don't know.
- >>> Doesn't it occur to you that human-like may just be, in
- >>> terms of evolution, the best way for an intelligent species to survive,
- thrive
- >>> and make progress? You know, our planet is a big round thing. So are all
- the
- >>> other planets and to the best of my knowledge we have never discovered a
- >>> planet that is anything but...it's just a big old law of nature.
- >Er ... planets are round because of celestial mechanics. I don't see
- >any connection between this and evolution.
- The inference is that perhaps certain universal laws apply to all
- things in nature, terrestrial and otherwise...planets are round...living,
- intelligent creatures, perhaps, have a brain, two eyes, a mouth, arms, legs,
- etc.
- >>> Why wouldn't
- >>> other laws of nature prescribe stereo vision, air breathing, two arms, two
- >>> legs, etc., as the best possible chance for survival of an intelligent
- >>> species?
- >
- >Why would they? They might, there again they might not. We just
- >don't know, and that was the original point.
- No, the original "point" was a complaint that the aliens were too "humanlike".
- >
- >Depicting aliens as bipeds is making an assumption. That humans, in
- >general, are unwilling to challenge this assumption shows a lack of
- >imagination.
- Maybe the answer is strictly a bottom line issue...the costumes were cheaper
- if a human could fit in them?
- John Webster
- >
- >Regards,
- >Martin
- >E-mail: mleese@omg.unb.ca
- >WWW: http://www.omg.unb.ca/~mleese/
- >______________________________________________________________________
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